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Friday, March 25, 2011

Tight Squeeze!

What this article fails to mention is that there was a little disagreement about if we are allowed to realign the individual school's district to alleviate overcrowding as it pertains to our Level 4 schools students at Connery and Harrington. On one side you had our most Honorable Mayor Kennedy said that according to her interpretation of the regulations, you weren't allowed to move students out of Level 4 schools (cause they might consider that statistical manipulation). Dr. Latham strongly disagreed, claiming that we were allowed to in this extreme case.

Now who you going to believe when it comes to regulations, policies, and all hat legal stuff,a lawyer or a glorified math teacher? Surprisingly I'm going with the math teacher because she is better able to "count" the violations.

Latham: Lynn schools in danger of overcrowding