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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Giving Us The Unfinished Business

On the agenda for Thursday night's meeting of the LSC under unfinished business was NOTHING, NADA, ZIP. Are you kidding me? In a school system as big as Lynn's are you saying everything is all wrapped up?

What about all the failing schools? Since Connery's Turnaround plan was rejected, what are we going to do? What about that Deputy Superintendent's position we so desperately need? What about plans for "Race To The Top" money. I would go on but I'm to tired too type any more. You get my point?


  1. Holly who signs her nameMarch 26, 2011 at 5:29 PM


    I believe they already approved the Deputy Super's position that's probably why they didn't revisit it...what's Connery's turnaround program? You seem to have so much knowledge and information you amaze me.

    I don't always get a chance to read the blogs, but I try to catch up when I can...I don't know if you caught someone hasn't pulled their papers to run for School have any input on this?

    I wanted to come to the SC mtg. but I was busy helping another district.

    Charlie Gallo is a cousin...then again who aren't I related niece married a sister-in-law is a cousin to the DiFillipo' brother married into the DiFillipo family...I think it's because all the Italians are related since there are 19 sons and 2 daughters LOL...I bet you didn't know this...we are all educated too some more than others!!! BTW Gallo Rd. off of Lynnfield Street is named after the family as was Edward's Court! Alot of history with these two family names! My grandfather invented the underground pipes so the world could have Gas heat, but I have oil LOL.

    Hope to see everyone soon! Keep the blogs going you are keeping me up-to-date LOL!

    Thank you,

  2. I know they already approved the Deputy's position but since the Mayor moved to have the posting back to sub-committee for tweaking they can't fill he positron until the sub-committee does their work. Originally it appeared Latham wanted to ram this position down the LSC's throat but this delay upset plans. A delay is a win for people who care about kids.

  3. Does anyone know that the LSC has the power to get rid of the powers of the administrators in the School district. I think we need to start a petition to remove the people that really have not down anything or claim that our system is functional, then send it to the LSC and Mitch Chester of the DOE. Think heads would swirl and we would get the right person for the right job.

  4. Well depends on who you ask...the LSC has the power to approve retirement, transfers, appointments, etc...but if you ask them you will probably get another can they say they don't have the power when they read the LSC Agenda for that evening and they list these catagories...GET THE PETITION AND FLOOD THE DEPT. OF ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY ED. AKA DOE WITH CALL AND WRITTEN COMPLAINTS...FLOOD OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS WITH CALLS, LETTERS, ETC...IF PEOPLE DON'T SPEAK OUT THEN SHAME ON YOU!
