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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Please Tell Me It Was A Drill!

I heard some very troubling things that allegedly happened at Marshall yesterday. Surely there is more to this story. I can't find anything about it in the Item and we all know how reliable a news source it is.

Here is what I heard. During a practice "Shelter In Place" at the school yesterday, some dogs from the Lynn Police actually sniffed out some drugs in the 7th and 8th grade lockers.

Surely this must have been a training exercise. I would like to think these middle school students are not brazen or stupid enough to bring drugs into school. If it was a drill then more should have been done to make this clear because every time they have a fire drill my daughter doesn't come home telling me the school burned down yesterday.

If it wasn't a drill then I'm sure someone out there will tell me. Wait don't tell me, I'm hoping to get an administration job.


  1. I just tried to call Dr. Cowdell at Marshall. Not available and the secretary had no idea.
