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Thursday, April 23, 2015


We all want what we want
Until it comes time to pay.

Budgets become too gaunt
But needs don't go away.

Shortfalls in spending our past futures haunt
Politics of the present to rue the day.


  1. How about fixing the budget flaws before taxing more hard working paying citizens!

  2. Help me point out those flaws. Complaints without specifics is like the Emperor's New Clothes.

  3. There is a reason the net school spending is under funded. It is because items that should be on the city budget are overfunded. Look at the items and put the line item budgets in the right place. It is that simple, and the mayor, city council and labor unions know it. The budget will not be corrected because the over funded items would be at stake.

  4. I agree with some of what you say. The lines in the budget are blurry. Some unions are more favored than others. The TEACHER'S union isn't necessarily one of those.

  5. The reason Lynn currently has a significant net school spending shortfall is because the city and/or school employees responsible for completing, reviewing, and submitting the financial reports failed to follow the state requirement regarding including retired teacher health cost toward net school spending. The requirement is very clearly stated in Section 3 of the State budget, on Schedule 19 of the end of year financial reports, and in the education laws and regulations 603 CMR section 10.06. The requirement specifically states, the department of elementary and secondary education shall not consider health care costs for retired teachers to be part of net school spending for any district in which such costs were not considered part of net school spending in fiscal year 1994. A recent audit revealed Lynn was including these costs when they should not have been. There are 127 districts that cannot include these costs as part of net school spending, including Lynn. Of these, only 3 districts (Lynn, Palmer and Methuen) are in jeopardy of penalties because of the inclusion of these costs. Not many districts have a NSS shortfall. Those that do, do not have a shortfall even close to Lynn's approximately $17 million shortfall.

    What can and cannot be considered part of net school spending is decided by the state, and local districts, including Lynn, must follow these requirements whether they agree with them or not.

  6. The teachers union is favored. Why is the teachers health retirement line item in the net school spending formula where it should not be?

  7. Please we are not blind. Politicians make these 'mistakes' to please the unions who politicians make promises to during elections ©.

  8. Anon, I glad about your eyesight nut then I am afraid you must have another type of disability. Teacher's nor ANY school personnel benefit from the mistake. The only ones who benefit are those persons or person who were touting the LOW bond rating because of the city's alleged fiscal health.

    1. Stan- who do you think sends memos out to their union members on which politician to vote for? Term after term.

    2. Only the MAYOR, not CITY COUNCILMEN or LSC have any input or control about what goes into budget,

  9. Instead of a public hearing on Gordon, why not have a public hearing on the school funding??? It should be done at the Council meeting before the city budget approved. The budget hearings are always so ignored and then people complain when it is too late to fix. You blame the Superintendent and don't help fix the numbers

    1. Good suggestion !

    2. Anon you are right that the Super can't add money to budget it's all a matter of how what is there is allocated. There are ALREADY public hearings on the city budget and LPS's budget. Attendance is pitiful.

      The GORDON COLLEGE hearing is another ball game. While budgets are usually just rubber stamped because the numbers come from the MAYOR'S office. GORDON'S relationship with LPS is controlled by the will of the LSC.

  10. Did you know teachers receive Blue Cross Blue Shield, the best most expensive package in healthcare, while many hard working middle class Americans cannot afford health insurance.

    1. Who oversees these things? Politicians & union reps.

      Ok LaPierre has been successful in gaining benefits for his union, but will he be able to represent the entire population without a conflict of interest?

  11. Teacher pay is incredibly good (average is $70,000 plus benefits) - do you hear them complaining? - work 180 days - home all summer with kids (saves over $15,000 on daycare) or able to pursue another job for fun/travel during vacations - lots of vacations, snow days and great pension after 20 years - what other job offers all that plus gift of teaching young children? And that add in the security of tenure after 7 years and you have job security that others don't have. You don't calculate just pay when talking about a teacher's job.

    1. And you have to be politically connected to receive a job in the public sector which is whitely dominated in a city of quite a diversity... go figure.

    2. And the teachers union was the first to have their teachers break residency requirements to leave Lynn. Love this city? Go figure

    3. I do believe you ought to check your figures - go figure.

    4. Ask David Gass for the figures. He collected data from city hall and composed a table showing city employee bsckgrounds

    5. I think some from the ever growing anonymous crowd need to do a little more research on Lynn teachers, but I enjoyed the laughs while reading the posts.

    6. While laughter is the best medicine, the tricks being played with the budget is no joke.

    7. It is not a joke.

    8. The pay our teachers receive are not the problem with the budget and for anyone to suggest otherwise is just ridiculous.

  12. After reading these comments, reminds me of this story I read this morning about the mbta union ruining the transportation system because of their expensive health insurance. McGee at the center of controversy is facing a huge conflict of interest with his disgusting behaviour. He receives money from all the unions and misused his authority on the democrat party to attack a reporter reporting against mbta reform. See he is the head of the transportation committee and Democratic Party and has to negotiate with the governor. The governor wants to fix the problem and well let's say McGee and union like things where they are.
    This is how politicians and unions work together. Don't be fooled. It's not funny.

    The item will not report anything on these thugs.

  13. Believe or not, some people in making comments here have no idea what they are talking about. Kind of like I think, you. Union or not, money paid to our teachers, paras, and other direct services personnel is neither excessive or wasteful. The huge raises and needless duplication that exist in the administration. They do have a separate union but there aren't as many votes to be bought.

    You are sort right about the Item but for the WRONG reasons. They are PRO business not a source of objective truth. It is a PR rag beholden to the Chamber and their advertisers.

  14. Anon is right. I searched the web and found between 2012-2013 the average teacher's salary in Lynn was $69,379. Summers / vacations off, top insurance plans and other benefits.

    1. Wow, I guess you must think our national debt must because we are paying our soldiers too much!

    2. Half the national debt goes towards pretend wars. The starting soldiers do not make much unless making a career in the service. Indeed high paying government jobs are given to veterans first.

    3. If you think the system is fair or if you think it's bribery you win.

    4. Ok, let's talk about our teachers for a second. The starting salary for a new teacher in Lynn with a Master's degree is about $41,000. The salary we see for teachers is not for 180 days of work. It includes things like trainings, workshops, after school programs, Saturday school, summer school, etc. Teachers do not only work 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. Teachers do not only work 180 days per. Teachers spend significant time (their own time) planning, preparing, organizing, grading, communicating with students and parents, providing extra help to students, etc. They also spend a significant amount of their own money on resources and supplies that they and students need. Teachers are also required to do additional trainings on their own time and at their own cost. The fact that anyone is actually blaming our underpaid and overworked teachers for the shortfall in net school spending or any other budget issue is astounding!

    5. Lori - do you know any teachers? It is a wonderful life that few get to do. Some teachers do a lot but after the first 3 years, few are doing all that extra planning as they have their plans to follow. No one is blaming teachers for shortfall or budget but if you think the job is so terrible, then you obviously would make a bad teacher. Training is something that people that love education enjoy and look forward to. All professionals attend training in their fields.

    6. Anon 11:44, you mention it perfectly.

      Of course no one is blaming teachers. Unions are not the teachers. They are a 3rd party business which gains revenue from membership fees. No one attacked a teacher. The mishap of political and Union administration burnt the cake.

    7. If both anon's read the comments in this post and others,you would discover that teachers are being blamed. By claiming teachers are paid too much or have too good of and expensive benefits,you are blaming and attacking them.

    8. Anon 8:11, I don't believe anyone is attacking sheep for their fringe benefits. The shepherds have f*cked things up.

      The only wrong sheep do is follow the herd.

    9. I'm sorry but that is insulting to those you think are sheep.
