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Friday, August 23, 2013


There has been a fair share of talk this campaign season about the need to get that fourth vote to give parent’s a chance at progressive reforms for the Lynn Public Schools. Critical votes usually go 4-3 on matters that make a difference. Of course, myself and/or my BFF would like to be that fourth and maybe fifth vote.


that got me to a thinkin. Who is always providing the tie-breaking vote? Why the MAYOR of course. So we need to pay extra special attention to these two candidates and the potential positions they will present.

We have the PRESENT MAYOR who publicly in the past has expressed her disproval of the way the current superintendent handled the school finances in a special meeting for the Superintendent’s evaluation. Despite those misgivings she voted for blindly renewing her contract and against publically posting the position to see if there was anyone out there more qualified before signing a three year contract putting the city on the hook somewhere in the neighborhood of $600,000. On top of that the Superintendent would be put in charge of steering a potentially $100 MILLION DOLLAR boat (I know they say 92 but do you really think it will come in on budget? If the BOND passes look for round two.)


Now we come to the challenger, the current council president. Hmm, he steered a unanimous letter of support through council to be read into the PUBLIC HEARING about the posting of the position  There was some question about the right of council to weigh in on something that was so clearly in the sovereignty of the school committee. Even though that letter of support ran contrary to my position, I was glad to see council take a stand because education is so important to all of our citizens,.

How was he repaid in political capital? Well when the COBBETT princiPALship came up his wife interviewed. There were four candidates and I honestly thought his wife gave the second best interview. Maybe she was a little too polished. When it came time to fill theposition it didn’t matter that another candidate was clearly heads and shoulders above everybody else in my humble opinion. No, this is Lynn and you know how it works, you think you do anyway. Not only was she passed over for the third best candidate (my opinion again) who had been involved in a LEVEL 4 school that had fallen back into LEVEL 4 (I guess she learned how to fail) but to add insult to injury, the MAYOR chastised his wife for even applying and putting the superintendent in a potentially precarious position. That position is wrong on so many levels; I don’t have time to write about it.

Both are in favor of the BOND vote so there is no difference there…


you consider PHELAN’S public acknowledgement on the CITY’S VOICE that the BROOKLINE site is contaminated and even though he still is supporting it, he does admit a little concern.  JUDY on the other hand is sticking to the position that it is SAFE. Oh yeah, they say it’s a little contaminated but no worries. I ask her, “Did you ever know anybody that was a little bit pregnant and DIDN’T have a baby?”.

Both candidates followed the same trajectory for their ascension to their political office with the exception that JUDY has already completed her TRIFECTA with the garnering of the CROWN jewels. TIM on the other hand is still shopping for accessories.

I am nit sure their votes would be all that different unless PHELAN is capable of holding some kind of GRUDGE for his wife’s slight. I am sure he would say no  way would he do anything like that Still, I can tell with somewhat of an expert opinion.


If you are looking for me to endorse someone, “Are you crazy?”. I tick off enough people,I want supporters from both their camps to vote for me.



  1. Whoever said they want to be the 4th vote has no idea. We don't need another follower. We need independent thinkers with ideas.

    1. I agree and uh, I happen to have somebody in mind!
