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Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I don't know why everybody wants to blame me anytime there is trouble or something goes wrong. I was at the NORTH SHORE NAVIGATORS game last night and I saw JESSE JAEGER there. He is one of my CHARTER WATCH FOLLOWERS.

Can you imagine my surprise when I go on FACEBOOOK and see him offering me up me up as a sacrificial lamb as a possible explanation as to why the lights when out.

"I think Stanley Wotring pulled the plug as a protest against the SUPER'S raise".

First of all, I'm not that smart. I wish I would have thought of it. Cause face it, we are all in the dark as to where the money came from. Well not really, it came from our pockets. I know, I know, not mine so much cause I'm poor but you know what I mean.

Second of all, the lights didn't just go out at FRASIER FIELD, I think it was all over LYNN, just like where CATHE"S CASH comes from.

1 comment:

  1. surpise to me...let me just say Mary Chalmers is her father...she has proven to be the cause of much drama in the Mayor's Office...JFK needs to wake up and realize she has had such beauties in her office...Mary & Lisa are only using JFK...they could care less if she makes it or not so long as JFK takes care of them...this has got to be the worst mayor office staff I've ever seen in the city...nothing to be proud of...if JFK were smart she'd own up to the things she said about people, go to them and apologize, and get rid of Mary, her father, and Lisa trusting others who really know to help her...get rid of that clown Joe too...nothings a surprise anymore with this administration...yes many of parents have complained about Lisa and how she treats staff and campers...there's no need to do this to anyone and especially to spec nds people...Lisa and Mary have talked enough about people, made enemies with alot of good people who backed Judy, and now they are facing what they want and that's get me a job Judy...not Judy we will help you win...what a joke!
