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Sunday, July 15, 2012


Figures Lie and Liars figure. That's what I've always been told. Guess that's just some hillbilly philosophy. I'm just not smart enough to figure out how you city folk add things. I mean, our SUPERINTENDENT managed to find four sets of sympathetic ears to be convinced by her woebegone tale of how she couldn't survive on last year's paltry salary. They even ran some comps. Numbers don't lie, then again it is in what you let them say.

Let's take a look at what we actually pay. Remember now, I am a poet and I'm not near as smart as the good doctor or her good friend that MENSA MAVEN. Last year's base salary was $164,000 to which we added $25,000 right off the top. Not bad, for failing.

Here is though where it gets interesting. If LPS was an NFL franchise and MADAME MAYOR has compared THE GOOD DOCTOR to TOM BRADY then the FANTASTIC FOUR of the LSC would be masters of the salary cap.

HIDE AND SEEK. Well I found some interesting numbers. First we have an Insurance payment of $5000. That's way too cheap to be the normal health insurance policy that some employers carry, I would guess that is either the normal say 20% employees have to pay or some supplemental life insurance policy. Then there is a line in her budget for REIMBURSEMENT for $10,500. What is that do they turn in soda bottles for the deposit return? Next, a whopping $25,000 for memberships. That must be some exclusive club, a real gold, GOLD'S GYM. Don't forget dues, $8000 to I don't know, maybe THE ROYAL ORDER OF THE WATER BUFFALOES. Last but not LEAST, most actually is the $30,000 we pay for NEWSLETTER OR LETTERS.That seems like a lot. I mean who subscribes to the TV GUIDE anymore now that they have the guide channel on cable?

So that's another $78,000 a year that we pay for the SUPERINTENDENT that has kind of been swept under the rug. That is an ADJUSTED SALARY of  $268,000 annually. I think it's time we had our carpets cleaned.


  1. That is AWFUL! We should not stand for that!


  3. Again, it always amazes me how LPS claims to NEVER have money for necessities and required supplies for the children, teachers, classrooms, and schools, but they ALWAYS miraculously find several thousands or even millions of unbudgeted dollars to pay for the hiring and raises of administrators. We must have some pretty good experts in finagling funds on the payroll. I was in Maine this weekend camping and overheard parents talking about their kids not having Science books. Guess what?? Their kids went to school at Sisson!! Funny thing is Jane Franklin was one of a handful of principals that did not respond to either of my 2 emails I sent regarding their school having a PTO. Maybe Jane believes that Dr. Latham knows about the lack of textbooks at her school and that Dr. Latham will fully support her on this. Little does she know that when I mention her school specifically to Dr. Latham, Dr. Latham will show her support by throwing Jane under the bus and blaming her for the lack of textbooks at her school. Either that or continue to deny she does not provide required supplies to the schools as she has been. I wonder how many Science books we could have bought with the $25,000 she just got as a raise?

  4. Once again lets thank the Mayor, who really cares about our children. NOT!
    She has managed to single handling screw our children everytime there was a vote to help our children. She has done this since taking office. Gallo, has done the same. I guess people are right when they have been saying that Gallo, Latham and Mayor were ALL working together!
    I guess it is time to talk to GARDY and CLAIRE? They know the inside on this as well as other things! Make the call Stanley, ask him about the elections and who was with who?
    Ask him about the deals that were made with Mayor, CARRSSCO, GALLO, CAPANO and others. You will need a full three days to cover that story! I can not wait to read your story!
