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Saturday, July 14, 2012


I am confused. We just hired a WRAP-AROUND person at $81,000 to help develop social support networks for our students. I am all for that. I even applaud their selection, I think. She seems like a smart lady, smarter than me that's for sure,

They say this wrap-around zone is going to start in FIVE schools and two of them CONNERY and HARRINGTON already have social workers paid for out of REDESIGN GRANTS. Okay, but to be honest I'm starting to get a tad bit uncomfortable,

MARSHALL is another one of the five covered that already has a social work worker at over $64,000 a year payed for out of TITLE 1 money. My anxiety level is rising.

COBBETT is the fourth one and it turns out they too have at $64,000. I can't make out WASHINGTON SCHOOL'S numbers but its status as a INNOVATION SCHOOL that at best can only be INNOVATIVE since it never got any official designation make me think there is something there.

I'm beginning to wonder why with all of these people in place at these prices why do we need to hire someone to watch what they're doing. But hey, I'm a team player and if our SUPERINTENDENT thinks we need it who am I? (I really didn't need you to answer that)

What I did find when I looked a little further in the budget is a line for TWO more social workers on the CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION PAGE at a$129,000. That fried my %#!. They do all that BS at FORD SCHOOL for FREE for about 600 kids with around 90% on FREE LUNCH.

What are we getting for all this money? I guess it costs money to come up with a new design for the wheel. So not only does this WRAPAROUND paper costing us $275,000, out of GRANT money to cover our social problems but it looks like we got an additional $129,000 coming out of the regular budget off the CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION budget to do something. What waS that FORD budget line for all those services again? Unlike the other places there there are no digits in front of the zeroes.

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