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Sunday, July 8, 2012


Congratulations to BRANDT DUNCAN for being able to spend another year out of the classroom at what, FULL PAY, to represent the teachers in their UNION. The LSC recently reapproved your years leave of absence.

THROUGH tough BARGAINING, BRANDT was able to NEGOTIATE A 2.5% INCREASE  for the members of his UNION while those unrepresented ADMINISTRATORS (like DR. LATHAM) got raises of 10 to 17%.

Good job BRANDT, way to keep those salaries under control.


  1. I hope you are not wanting more raises for over 2000 teachers. Do you realize the number of unlimited sick days teachers accumulate and cash out eventually or use at their whim, what a benefit that is and how much it cost the taxpayer in this city? Do you know what benefits are worth to most people that don't get any sick days and work 50 weeks a year vs. 36 weeks? Unions are not on the side of the taxpayer.

  2. Are you saying taxpayers like to give administrators exorbitant raises?

  3. You are finally getting it Stanley!
    Duncan is part of the puzzle. He does not care if they get 2 percent or 1 percent as long as he gets to be the Prez and out of the classroom. He is best buds with Carrasscos campaign manager Joe Martin Prez of Custodian Unions....Why aren't you asking them questions? They are all in it together....that is WHY CARRASSCO voted for Deputy in the first place! Sorry but your BFF MARIA CARRSSCCO is a SNAKE!
    Does whatever Martin, Neighbor to Neghbor, Northshore Labor tells her to do. WE DO NOT NEED THIS!

  4. Wrong info one can accumulate and cash out on sick days as teachers any more. A few old timers can still but their time was capped way back when. Teachers can awash out 5 Sick days per year ...the first five..if you take one you can only get 4, take 2 you only get 3 . Etc.

  5. Anon of 7/10 must be a big fan of Faux News, Carr, Hannity,
    et al, because like Anon of 7/10 points out on sick time, he
    doesn't let the facts get in the way of his opinion. When
    your a wingnut, the facts are a nuisance, and you have to run on emotion. I didn't realize Joe Martin was still Prez
    of the Custodian's Union (he's not). You seem to be fact and
    spelling challenged, but most righties I run into are.

  6. What? I am a teacher. I have a contract. I am not fact challenged. Thats the way it one can accumulate and cash in sick day when they retire unless they are old timers and were grandfathered in ..those people are rapidly disappearing. What are u talking about????

  7. OK. SO MARTIN is no longer the PREZ. HE already DID his damage to his own people (janitors, custodians etc.) as well as our children. It is time we get some people who really care and will stand to create CHANGE. So many have said the right words BUT once elected NOTHING changes it just gets worse!
    I feel bad if you are a teacher in Lynn, I feel worse for our children attending LPS. LPS administration, elected SC do NOT care about our teachers, staff or children. It is all about their own needs and wants! SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS.
