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Saturday, June 1, 2013


Community Reads to Harrington students

This is such a GREAT event. A real positive for LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. That's why for the life of me (Don't get any ideas) I can't figure out why this upcoming event wouldn't have been mentioned at Thurs. nights LSC meeting. To get community involvement you've not only praise it after the fact but before as well.

This should have been included in the SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. I don't know maybe she was preparing herself for that oncoming bus the MAYOR was going to throw her under about the MARSHALL report's omission from the meeting.


  1. Because its not important...just another event . Did one kid know who Martha coakley is? It's a publicity thing. What did it accomplish?

  2. Do any of those parents know who Martha coakley is? Parents should have been reading to their children. That would be more appropriate .

  3. Anonymous, are you really serious? What makes you think the parents are NOT reading to their kids? What did it accomplish? Let's start with just the joy of reading, and the fact that these important adults took time out of their lives for these kids even if the students don't know who they are. When my daughters were in Pre-K at Harrington, they loved that day (and by the way I DID and STILL DO read to my children!) The MORE people who read to children instill in them the importance of reading, and all the amazing things you can learn from reading, whether it's a fact or fiction. Getting outsiders to come in also helps raise awareness of what it's like in these schools, whether they are seeing the good, or the not-so-good!

  4. Because I have kids tell me mother says I am too old to read o anymore...the student being a first grader. Library books never come back...borrowed classroom books written on with telephone numbers chewed books .... Food and drink stained books , books stinking of cigarettes...mostly books I have bought ! There are parent who read and a lot more who don't. I am not saying it wasn't a nice day at Harrington. ...just why make a huge deal of it in the newspapers,no one reads that either.

    1. It sounds like you are an elementary teacher in Lynn. If so, this is quite concerning to say the least. Your grammar, spelling and punctuation skills are horrendous, not to mention your poor attitude toward parents. Do the children, parents and taxpayers a favor and resign. There are too many great teachers out there to waste our valuable resources on you.
