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Thursday, June 27, 2013


The big thing I came with from last night's LPOBE meeting was not just that parents want a voice but that they want to feel like they're listen to.It seems like they are held hostage ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER.

The rules for public speaking differ between the LYNN CITY COUNCIL and the LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE. The council gives residents (many of whom are parents) the opportunity to comment various times on most ordinances right before they are finally voted on. I wouldn't swear on the technical procedures but that's what it seems like to me. There is no OPEN MIKE but plenty of chances for your voice to be heard. To actually be listened to, well that's a horse of a different color.

On the other hand the LSC has an OPEN MIKE where they tell you at the beginning of every meeting the OPEN MIKE is not meant as a dialogue only an opportunity for the committee to hear multiple points of view.


How hard is it to have an actual conversation?

True listening is all about sharing ideas and participation in solutions.

1 comment:

  1. The school committee doesn't want to have a dialogue because most of the time they do not have a clue what is going on or being talked about. We have a school committee where most members do not even know what their role and responsibilities are as a member. Many do not even take the time to do any research on the topics to be discussed. It's always amusing to watch the confused, dumbfounded looks on some of their faces when they hear someone speak about an issue, even when they knew the topic would be discussed because it's on the agenda.
