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Saturday, June 1, 2013


Someone please help me! I just don't understand. I mean last summer we all vacationed together in TENNESSEE. I mean I know not at the same time. Okay not even in the same place. I think you went to NASHVILLE, I think that's 5 or 6 hours away from where my brother lives (Depends on who's driving!).

Supposedly a few administration people went down there to observe their TOP-NOTCH WRAP-AROUND PROGRAM. After the COLORADO presentation that actually came from ARIZONA talk of TENNESSEE has disappeared like a lost lover in a sad country song. Come on now fess up, did you all go down there just to catch a concert. I wouldn't blame you if you did, that way of life is so relaxing. Kick your shoes off. Stay a while.

Now a plan that ARIZONA developed has crossed the border into COLORADO with suddenly is the one to go with. I think maybe AZ may just be trying to EXPORT this plan as a way to deal with their immigration problems by having somebody else deal with it. The cost to implement this plan is PHENOMENAL. Obviously we have TRANSLATION TROUBLES now (right LORI?), does anyone think we have a magic fiscal wand and solve all our inadequacies? How can we expect people to pay higher taxes for a new school when LPS has such a woeful record of waste. Well trimming the fat in the administration office could help.

There is only one year left on this RACE TO THE TOP GRANT have you decided next year where you want to visit?


  1. Stan, you have alot of complaints, but not many solutions

    1. How about the administration stops wasting so much money, especially on their own salaries, raises, benefits and perks? How about we get someone in to do an audit,as was mentioned in another post and get rid of Kevin who makes 6 figures and hire someone who knows what they are doing? How about the school department stops paying the exorbitant administrative salaries,like the school committee SECRETARY that makes almost $100,000, the superintendent and deputies secretaries that make around $75,000,and the compliance officer that gets paid 6 figures,but doesn't seem to know what the laws are to even know how to be compliant. How are these for starter solutions?

    2. Do you know the difference between complaints and observations?

  2. Please take a look at other districts across the country? Do they not pay high salaries?

    1. It is not that the individual salaries are too high, it's just that there are TOO MANT individuals.

    2. This district employees way too many administrative people and then pays them ridiculous salaries. To add insult to injury,this district is clearly wasting the millions it spends on the top positions,since it is one of the worst districts in the state.Just what are these people being paid for? When this district ever gets out of the lowest 10 percent and becomes one of the top even 50 percent, then maybe these salaries can be justified. Until then....What a waste of valuable funding that could be used for the students (remember them?) There is a serious problem when a secretary and I don't care what fancy name you assign to the position,they are still a secretary,gets paid more than a teacher!

    3. I also get infuriated by the salaries our district pays out and I have to admit, I too was surprised to discover the compliance officer gets paid over $100,000, yet LPS seems to rarely ever be in full compliance, if compliant at all (Remember, I do have a few DESE reports to prove this) The translation and interpretation issue was just one example. Oh wait, I forgot, LPS was in full compliance and even went above and beyond what was required when it came to providing these language services to LEP parent that they just 'volunteered' to enter into an agreement with the Office for Civil Rights and now they are required to fulfill all the very specific terms of this agreement or face administrative enforcement or judicial proceedings to enforce the agreement. I am pretty sure the OCR doesn't go around 'asking' districts who are in compliance to enter into agreements.

  3. Going off on the subject of getting paid did you know that substitute teachers make $75 a day, sub aides $96 a day, and a sub secretary get $150 a day. What's wrong with this picture? If those classroom subs were smart they'd get in the secretary sub line.

    1. What we really need is more administrators in the UNEMPLOYMENT line so we can redistribute the WEALTH.
