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Saturday, February 9, 2013


Lynn grant writer heading back to New York
 This event calls into question the wisdom of LPS hiring their own GRANT writer since the hiring of the CITY GRANT WRITER was used as justification. Not only did we hire our own grant writer but we have said we are going to hire a COORDINATOR OF PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS, another potential political patronage position.

1 comment:

  1. The wisdom is clear, the Mayor, Gallo and Latham did not do their homework. They hired a criminal with open cases from New York. Who found this clown and why are we the taxpayers, paying for him to leave. Thats right, we are paying him to leave and break his contract. Compliments of Mayor Kennedy!
    She is on a roll to ruin our city and schools!
    She got Gallo to talk about this at a school committee meeting and Latham backed it!
    All sleeping together, just to keep their status! They do not care about our schools, staff and families......
