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Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Where is the ITEM coverage of the IMPACT of this snow storm, NEMO,? Let's look at all the costs ,,,aka snow removal, salaries and how we are going to hit our federally mandated 181 school days.

Don't forget to weigh in public safety into your argument  I mean we have the city's piecemeal snow removal plan or lack thereof of a plan altogether. Should we reconfigure our school districts so we don't rely on busing so much?


  1. If there is school tomorrow,I am willing to bet there will still be sidewalks that the city is responsible for not cleared, as well as several crosswalks.Every significant snowfall we get,they never clear the crosswalks at the dangerous intersection of Dungeon Ave,Walnut St,and Myrtle St where there are like 4 crosswalks and lights for people to cross.They never even clear the crosswalks at the lights in front of Classical for the kids to cross.I don't have kids who go there but I drive by every day.I will be sure to take some photos tomorrow if they are not cleared.

    1. Send those pics to my email, and I will try to get them up. Hey that includes ANYBODY with pics.
