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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Found this 2010 report and thought it was quite informative. It is Lynn Public Schools Review of District Systems and Practices Addressing the Differentiated Needs of English Language Learners. It contains both positive things LPS has done, as well as areas that need improvement. Some of the highlighted issues include the issues we are still seeing and discussing today, almost 3 years later. I've included a few excerpts because these issue have been discussed recently:

Page 7: The superintendent’s goals are driving current improvement initiatives.

"When interviewed, the superintendent reported that a current district improvement plan (DIP) has not yet been created; the district’s most recent plan was developed in June 2008. In lieu of updating the DIP, the superintendent presented 10 goals for the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 academic years."

"There is no indication of whether or how student performance data were used to develop these goals. The document reviewed by the team does not reference student assessment or subgroup
data or gaps in student performance. Nor does the document provide a data-based justification for changes in district practices, such as the decision to fully integrate ELL students in mainstream classrooms and gradually eliminate SEI classrooms."

"It is not clear how stakeholders – including staff, families, and district partners – were consulted in the process of developing the two-year goals."

Page 17-18: Student Support

"There is inconsistent support and outreach to promote the involvement of parents of ELL

"One Spanish speaking parent reported that it was not clear how parents who are not fluent English speakers can collaborate or provide support to the school, stating, “Even if we want to help, we cannot.”

"In summary, the shortage of bilingual staff in schools limits the degree to which parents of ELL students receive linguistically-appropriate services and clear information regarding how to
effectively partner with the school and support their children’s academic success. Education initiatives to teach English and provide educational opportunities to the parents of ELL students
are concentrated in one school and, although well attended, are not widely available to parents throughout the district."

Page 19-22: Recommendations

"Gather input by all major stakeholders to inform the development of district goals and initiatives. Meaningful participation from a representative group of stakeholders – including
staff, families, and district partners – creates a broad base of support for district improvement initiatives."

Target recruitment efforts to increase the number of qualified bilingual staff members in district schools.

"Increase the number of bilingual staff in schools, ensuring that parents of ELL students receive linguistically-appropriate services and clear information regarding how to effectively partner with the school and support their children’s academic success."

Create a district parent support program and secure other funding sources to support parent literacy needs across schools.

"Create a district parent support program, providing the parents of ELL students with the opportunity to learn English and participate more fully in their children’s academic

"Consider securing private funding sources to support a district parent literacy program, prioritizing the use of individual school funds to directly support student learning."

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