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Tuesday, February 12, 2013


We, the parents, of the students of LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS demand that the school administration take advantage of all of the reasonably available technology to engage in a conversation with us so that we may be fully aware of the going's on of what's going on. This is to include but not to be limited to the following:

1). Public recognition that FACEBOOK is an acceptable and viable means of disseminating current and up-to-the-minute topical information. Positive stories and pictures of student achievement will be more readily available to the public.

2). Expanded use of the CONNECT ED system such that the school's principals will regularly keep the parents updated on all school activities.

3). A system should be set up such that  mass texts can be sent out keeping all parents up to date about ongoing events.

4) All communications provide to LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE members as part of their "packet" sent to them before each meeting be posted along side the regularly scheduled meeting agendas.

5). Because of the growing diversity of our student population, a more concentrated effort be made to engage with the parents without depending on the child to translate.

Please do not consider this to be a static document but one that is expected to grow as our demands become more focused and inclusive.

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