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Friday, December 21, 2012


I urge all parents to write, text, and call all of the LSC to demand to know about illicit drugs found today at MARSHALL. With all of the media coverage afforded the ENGLISH arrest for DRUGS, I would hope the ITEM will be all over this story. Honestly though, we here at the WATCH aren't holding our breath.

It seems if you really want to SEE, you gotta WATCH. Going by past practices, the ITEM don't want NO comments about no drugs at school.


  1. Nice wok Stanley. One question. Was your daughter involved? What did you personally ask the principal that all other parents cant? So, was she?Probably not because I'm sure you WATCH her and SEE what she does. YOU are a FRAUD and do more harm for people who truly want a CHANGE. LORI, you seem smart and driven. Check into this so you don't get caught up in a personal matter, as you are doing good, impartial work. For the record I have had two children at Marshall. One had no problem the other I had to remove. But when I asked this blog for help I got nothing.

    So, inspite of my sour grapes, what is your daughters involvement? Puff Puff Pass????? Ha Ha!!!! COME CLEAN!!!!!' From what my kid says your daughter hates you. That's the systems fault? If you want to help, help all of us. I love that you e courage US to write our RUMORS.

    1. Just because it's uncomfortable don't make it a rumor.
