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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 Carrasco: Lynn needs to offer more GED classes

Ten percent of the TITLE 1 grant is mandated to be for parent involvement. What a good way to spend that money, helping our under-educated parents get their GED diploma. Watching their parents go through the classes provides a priceless example of the value of education for our kids. It's like spending the money twice.

Since we get over 6 million dollars a year in TITLE 1 that would mean $600,000 for parent involvement, I wonder just what we ACTUALLY spend that money on? Would anyone else be interested in seeing a full accounting of just how the money is spent?


  1. oh please tell carrasscco to learn english and get her ged. never proved she has a teacher cert or education. just another joke in the world of lynn politics.

    1. To my knowledge, Maria Carrasco is not a teacher. Also, what exactly is your question? Do you want to know if Ms. Carrasco has a GED? If so, what exactly is your point? I am not aware that there is an educational requirement to be a school committee member, but if you know of something different, please share. Finally, as someone who has had conversations with Ms. Carrasco, and has attended school committee meetings, I can assure you, she does know english.

    2. Lori, my point is that she only speaks up for her kind! She is continually changing her votes and making our children suffer to stay in the game and remain on the school committee. I too have attended meetings in the past and watch them on t.v. I do not understand what she is saying in person or on t.v. I have tried to talk to her and it is difficult. She needs to take ELL classes with the parents and students. As for GED classes, her primary concern should be ALL of the public schools students NOT just Latinos or the Latino parents. I have watched her for many years ans she is NOT for ALL of the children in LPS. As for her education teaching experience, NOT once did she provide that to the public. I watched the debates in previous school committee elections and she has never said she has a degree or has a degree in teaching! PROVE IT MARIA!
      Finally, how did she vote on the budget? Just saying....she is in it for the money and health insurance, I heard her say it myself in person! Very sad.....

    3. I agree that she is an advocate for Latino children and their parents. However, in my opinion, she has to be. Let's face it....there is almost ZERO diversity among our school committee and our top earning administration staff, including vice principals and principals. Latino children make up something like 65% of the student population in our schools and many either do not know english themselves or have parents who do not know english. In my opinion, it should not be the responsibility of the school districts to teach these children and parents english. I believe everyone should know, speak and understand english if they are in this country, especially if they are receiving benefits, services, and attending school. Unfortunately, this is not how our federal and state government operates. They are not doing anything to control or stop the severe immigration issue this country has and they force the local towns and cities to deal with it without providing them with adequate services or funding. We can all have our opinions and beliefs regarding the issue, but the fact remains that Latino's are the majority in this city and in our schools. Therefore, we do not have a choice but to focus time, effort, resources and services on them. With that said, Dr. Latham and her administration also do not focus their time and attention, nor do they make decisions that are best for ALL the students in this district. They only make decisions that benefit a selected few at selective schools.

    4. Ok, I see your point! But, have you looked around lately, the minorities in Lynn are the white/black families now!
      Who is sticking up for us? I am not picking on her race, I am angry that people are always crying "prejudice or racism", yet, if a white family were to stick up for their child, everyone thinks they are prejudice! I am advocating for all children in LPS. I have nieces, nephews, cousins as well as my our children in the LPS system. It is just getting worse, not better! I agree with most of what you are saying, but we need to also focus on ALL our the children in order for real change in the LPS system. Start with electing people who get it and really care about our children and the parents as well as the teachers. It is not working with what we have. After all, I guess I an agry that Maria was the one to chnage her vote to hire a deputy super and now we are all payinf for it, as well as a budget that soes not make sense! We have No true leadership on the school committee for our children, Donna stands alone! One is not enough!

    5. Agreed 100% that there is absolutely NO good leadership in this city or in this school district, and the results are quite evident!! Hopefully the taxpayers in this city have had a wake up call and will vote appropriately next time around and we will have a new mayor and new school committee members who are actually advocates for the schools, children, and community. This will hopefully lead to a new more qualified superintendent who has the ability to make some positive changes and turn our failing district around. Until that happens, this city and it's schools will continue to deteriorate.

    6. So true!
      Sorry for so many typos, when I am pissed I type too fast and miss letters.
      Agreed! New Mayor, New School Committee! We voted for DeFillippo and Coppolla.
      Sadly, we voted for the Mayor. Big disappointment!!! We are doing our homework this time and paying attention to every vote the school committee & Mayor make. It is almost election time. Time to vote out people who do nothing for our children!
