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Saturday, August 4, 2012


I know ours is a strange relationship, but I do have a history of interracial ones. In fact my children are mixed. My son is a born-again Republican thanks to my Dad.

Admittedly, I am at times cryptic. My own life is very hard for me to decipher. "Carrying the mail", I only meant you were advancing the points about the budget had been screaming about. It's not so much the actual numbers but how we arrived at those numbers. We NEVER discussed our at the time correlative position.

However, you succumbed to the CATHE KOOL-AID whenever you swallowed. The promise of
amendments and eventual disclosure was just a momentary panacea to insure passage and avoid embarrassment.

Can you tell me if the concerns you had before the LUCKY LATHAM MICKEY were answered really or addressed publicly?.


the amendments were added but WHO SAW THEM? I am sure you were provided with them but mine and most other citizens must have got lost in that MAIL I thought you were carrying.



  1. Don’t be sorry Stan. In tennis, a serve is something meant to be returned unless it was of such quality that no return can be made. Seeing that you are no Roger Federer, this return is relatively easy.
    The principal raises that were selectively handed out in the middle of the FY12 budget were included in the FY13 budget. Were we happy about the way that transpired? No, but it was legal. I do plan on introducing language in our policy that will prevent that from happening again. The other principal raises that were approved after the FY 13 budget was drafted were proposed to make sure that all principals got raises that were in line with most other LPS staff. Those numbers are not reflected in the draft but in round numbers amount to about two thousand dollars for each of them. They are not huge numbers in the grand scheme of things especially when, as I have said before, the lines in the budget change daily especially before the start of school when open positions are still being filled. Case in point; We originally approved a Grant position at one hundred thousand dollars. No one seemed to have any issue with this position at the time of the hearing. It was then discussed that this position may be filled differently with a vastly different salary structure. If the proposed budget was to the penny at 6:00pm on Thursday night, it would have been different an hour later because that job will now be different. Should we at that point, stop the presses, re-print the budget and hold more meetings and a public hearing? Of course not. The Superintendent has said publicly that she will release amended reports quarterly as I have requested. The first of those reports, I would like to see once student and staff placement have stabilized after to start of school. I don’t understand your statement that if I believe that we will see that report, I am drinking the Kool-Aid. If we don’t see a budget versus actual type report, I will remind administration, but frankly I don’t think that will be necessary.
    As I pointed out in my previous post, I do not feel that rejecting this budget and dragging this process out into the start of the school year, in light of the fact that we accepted the amended changes into the draft, would have had any significant positive impact on anything except to contribute to blogger fodder and theatre. I can’t help what people wish to speculate on, but anyone that knows me, knows that people don’t “get to me” prior to meetings, I don’t drink anybody’s “Kool-Aid” and I don’t set up my votes with anyone in exchange for anything. I take each issue as it comes and vote in the manner which I feel best serves the community as a whole. I am finished addressing this issue in this forum but anyone is welcome to contact me directly and I will be happy to discuss it further personally. As far as I am concerned, GAME, SET, MATCH.

    1. I knew I could get you to play in my little game. I really don't like tennis but the analogy was priceless. Do you think ESPN would syndicate my blog? I have NO DOUBT about the legality of what transpired. Your ethics were never in question. While I agree we were pretty much stuck with the budget as presented or misrepresented. A vote against it would have only been a symbolic one but an important one. I too am done on this issue for now, there is SO much to write about.
