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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The Daily Item: New Washington School principal wants to 'instill love of learning'

I hope the CANDY MAN does well and this school does well. Since we are not dealing with someone who operates from a love of the subtlety of words and their actual meaning, I will get straight to the "point" (take that you MATH lovers). A true INNOVATION SCHOOL would be designated by the state as such, have a small grant, and greater flexibility with the union contract for teachers.

Does the WASHINGTON SCHOOL have any of those?


but we got some FANCY BLACKBOARDS that are really WHITE.

Don't get me wrong, this school can still be a BIG success. A real LEAP FOR LYNN education. I like science, it is exciting. In another life, I used to be good at it. My sister-in-law (that's where I was when I was in TN) is a PHD for EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY and has been for over fifteen years. She is up there in administration now and was telling me how her company makes the polymer that coats a lot of medicines that allow them to function in an extended released capacity.

I digress....

but not really.

I mean we are hoping that the education we encapsulate our young students with will provide life-long treatment against the perils of ignorance. All of these FANCY gadgets at this new school could innoculate these young minds with a LOVE OF LEARNING that could provide life-long sustenance.


a misrepresentation of the facts could also be a POISON that hampers learning. We may be getting a BAD vaccination and you know what all those people are saying about how they think bad vaccinations are responsible for the explosion of AUTISM.


we are on the verge of some new affliction at LPS - DECEPTIONISM. Oh, that is an old school illness in LYNN. I don't know, I just would expect a man of math and science to be a little more precise in his FOCUS. I mean being FUZZY is a POET'S PREROGATIVE. Apparently, now it is also the CANDY MAN'S.

See how it's working.........!

"He did a phenomenal job in his interview, I'm told," Starbard said.

Rick never actually seen him, he's just going on what he's told. That's kind of like we are expected to do. So we are told this is an INNOVATION SCHOOL when it isn't one exactly.

If the CANDY MAN is willing to misrepresent the meaning of words, I wonder how he is on sizes.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you pointed out the obvious Stanley!
    Never go on anyone's word in this city, especially a politician. The better thing to do in the future Rick Starrbardd is to talk to the person yourself before you speak! Firsthand information is always the better choice!
    Just saying......
