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Thursday, August 9, 2012


I went to the final home game of the NAVIGATORS last night. I saw DONNA COPPOLA, LSC COMMITTEE MEMBER and a few other LPS people there. The NAVS lost but they are playoff bound.

I had hoped to do a lot more promotional stuff with them for free just to show what a little creativity can do. It's not like I wanted paid, it was a creative thing. I am not good with money anyway. That's why I am poor.

What I really like about the team and  the FUTURES COLLEGIATE BASEBALL LEAGUE is how closely continuing education is tied to hopes and dreams and actual success. Most of the players will never step on to a MAJOR LEAGUE field other than to run across the outfield in some promotional event.


 they will make the BIGS is in their education. Did you hear some of the colleges they're from?

I am going to give an INTENTIONAL PASS to DR. LATHAM here. I am putting her on because I have heard her on more than one occasion stress the importance of SPORTS and the ARTS to give our children a reason to come to school.

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