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Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Judging from news the ITEM is breaking, the MIDDLE SCHOOL with the best AYP numbers in LYNN seems to be jumping ship to set sail for SWAMPSCOTT.  WHAT IS HAPPENING AT LPS?

MARSHALL'S principal was tabbed after an exhaustive search for a principalship in Wakefield, even though he did eventually turn it down. The principal at BREED is out on a medical leave and is rumored not to be coming back.

Everybody keeps asking me when we are going to have that HEARING?Not a moment too soon.


  1. ask school committee members. they know who is getting what! they also know why people are leaving LPS. DEALS DEALS DEALS....most have bought there degrees and have been placed in high paying positions. follow the people and see how they got there and who put them there! pay close attention to the way they(SC)VOTE and you will see. none of them are here for our kids!

    1. If you haven't noticed, I do go to the school committee meetings and I do see how they vote and I TALK about it. Your logic is lacking and your definition of deals is somewhat ambiguous since on most of the votes that deal with the direction LS takes are usually always 4 - 3. What kind of deals get people to vote that way? I would love to investigate and expose some of what you claim but even I need a little something to go on.

  2. LPS watches what you write. So do the SC members. As for the 4-3, you are right about that. It is usually the Mayor who is not voting in favor of our kids. Yet, she runs around the city pretending to care about our kids. Well, I watch the SC meetings and I have attended them as well. I am not impressed. I understand that the Mayor is very oncerned about being re-elected. Well, she better find another job soon. She has done nothing in te past few years. Anyone would be better at this point!!!
    I am not sure what the person means about deals, but I am sure that when they vote, they are not really putting much thought into it. They do not have kids in LPS system. Also, I understnd that they do not have much time to look at the materials or topics prior to the actual SC meetings. I am sure that the Chair and Vice Chair have already met with the Super and know how things are going to go down. I do applaud you and your efforts to expose them, but I do not see much changing.
    Disappointed Grandmother
