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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today's LSC meeting is unique and kind of special. No it's not just because it's on Tuesday, but because it is also STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY our young kids will have an opportunity to observe their government on the precipice of a historic action by the citizen-parents of this school district. Never before in the history of LYNN have the parents rose up to demand such accountability of their governing school body.

Do I think the powers that be will acknowledge this occasion tonight? Doubtful, probably not a chance. Still there will be a PUBLIC HEARING Thursday night at 6 pm in the "Lions's Den" at LVTI. Unlike in ancient Roman history, no blood will be spilled by hungry animals. This time the opposite will happen. The SPECTATORS will try to stop the bleeding from the wounds of our educational system.

Soon the students will learn about the attempts at first-aid to the curriculum and will witness their school committee's actions. Most will become parents themselves one day but before that they will VOTE.


  1. Great opportunity for our future young leaders in Lynn . Watched the City Council last night. great work happening. BTW the council ALL agreed to write a letter in SUPPORT of DR. LATHAM for your meeting on Thursday! This is really heating up. I hear that ALL of the School Committee SUPPORTS her too! You have been fooled by certain ones on the SC. They ALL play games and want to be LIKED! Did you know that Stanley? They are bringing in the big guns and I can not wait to see this......

    1. The fact that you find such pleasure in a situation in which Lynn youth are not receiving the best education possible across the board, a situation the city council may be either supportive or permissive of is utterly appalling.

    2. Those BIG GUNS probably will be of a smaller caliber than my pen.
