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Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Listed on the agenda for Thursday's LSC meeting under NEW BUSINESS, item D:

D. Set date for Public Hearing re: not posting the position of Superintendent of Schools



  1. Looking forward to this day! I hope you and your BFF have enough to get her out! Please take gotta go capano, gallo and carrassccco with her. I am sure you have starbbard abd coppolla on your side right?
    I will have my popcorn ready for this big event! Hope the Mayor has her wrestling clothes ready.....GO STANLEY! My money is on you!

  2. It will be interesting. It also will be UNPRECEDENTED!

  3. It's a collossal waste of time!! What part of that don't you get???

    1. That may be but you can bet this has been a thorn in her side.And she will have to sit back and listen to angry parents tell her what a terrible job she is doing while throwing facts and proof in her face.Yeah she may have some supporters there(mostly those whose jobs she holds in her hands)but really what proof can they offer to back up their support of her(besides their jobs of course)I can't wait to see what she brings for proof to support her claims of doing a great job

  4. Waste of time or not, it is going to happen. At least someone is taking a stand. Can not say that for our so called school committee members. Now that they are all in, they are doing nothing of what some have promised! Please remember this for the next election. Our kids are taking the hit once again.....lets vote for people who at least have kids in the LPS system. At least we will have a fighting chance. No one wants to rock the boat! We need someone to tip if over and not care about politics. Our KIDS SHOULD BE FIRST!!!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Seems my comment was mysteriously deleted, so thought I'd post it again.

      "While Ford (Richard Ford, City Councilor for Ward 7)said he would like Kennedy to find someone already living in Lynn for the job, Phelan and Councilor at large Dan Cahill said hiring within is not as important as finding the best candidate for what they said is a critical position for the city"

      “I would like the term nationwide search to actually mean nationwide search,” Cahill said. “… As long as it’s the person that’s the most qualified individual that’s going to make this city a better place to live.”

      My comment is that it's too bad some of those who represent our city, didn't feel the position for superintendent of school was as important, since it is my understanding some of them refused to sign the petition. Afterall, it's just our kids who will bear the consequences of being forced to go to school in a failing district and one of the lowest performing districts in the state. Although, it seems that some of our city's representatives are not even aware of how poorly our schools and district are performing. I think Mr. Cyr made this quite clear when he proclaimed something along the lines of our middle schools being just as good as others.

    2. I guess our SUPERINTENDENT needs to be FINKed!
