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Friday, April 27, 2012


JOHN FORD'S violent verbiage referring to throat slashing of throats demonstrated a paramount lack of professionalism. Such rhetoric borders on criminal and only demonstrates his lack of objectivity when it comes to assessing the performance of our educational system.

Doesn't he realize that he will have to work with the same school committee members he such viciously verbally attacked and blamed for PROMOTING this lesson in the exercise in a free government. I can assure you they all only knew of our efforts after the fact. What initiated my efforts was an anonymous comment on one of my posts and the foundations of LPS would shake if my guess on that person's identity were correct. Alas, I;ll never tell and it is only a guess anyway.

I don't know why FORD didn't blame ME. Maybe he is afraid to pick on a cripple or maybe it's just a fear of iambic pentameter.


  1. Tell us at least what that anonymous poster revealed to you (or us)

    1. A link to the charter, about a petition drive. Suggestions on fair process, civil workplace rights, and posting Public Contracts to the public.

  2. It was I, who tried to direct this process into a more public way. You can tell who you wish. In my field, there is no hard feelings over who receives a private or public contract. Many times it has to do with proper fit, and not to be taken personally.

    Would it have mattered to the LPS if they knew it was I? Strange if the voices of the community equal less to elected seats.

    I was caught, merely listening to... and impressed by this very intelligent, classy and caring parental community. There is nothing better than a united community, listening to the voices of the people and trying to care for everyone in some fair way. Although I couldn't take the light with everyone because I am not a parent, and the public school system is foreign to me. My voice would not matter. That is why I just signed the petition.

    Keep staying Classy folks. You did your best for your children. I hope the rhythm keeps on shining.

    To the others who have been very nasty to those who are trying to make improvements, thanks for fueling the fires of community spirit. Without you, people wouldn't try harder.

  3. You need a lesson in grammar my dear

    1. Its short hand for relating. But You probably wouldn't understand this concept either.

    2. FYI:
      1. It should be "It's" not "its"
      2. "You" should not be capitalized.

    3. 1. check possessive pronouns

      2. 'You' is capitalized when formally writing to elders :)

    4. p.s. I'm not Your dear. Have a good night.

  4. Oh that was not me. Some other person who knows how to write chirped in. It was I.... Archaic, not taught that way any more. It was me proper.. And look up the meaning of the word classy. It does not fit here at all.

    1. It's time to stop being childish and petty. We are only doing what we feel to be best for the children of our community: ours and other people's. Your nastiness is not needed and tells much more about you than it could ever say about us, a group of people who never claimed to be super-educated or superior to anyone else.
      Sue Walker

    2. Anon,
      If this is your best argument, You should remain anonymous.

      True. No one is superior to anyone else. The mentality of a few on the boards will be hard to change, since those who think they, fear and cannot enjoy a little competition.

  5. It is just that this is so Silly. People are looking for interesting things to comment on . The content is ridiculous and for some reason it is fun to read for a good laugh so a bunch of us are trying to entertain ourselves with other factors
