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Friday, February 17, 2012


I, STANLEY H. WOTRING, JR. being of feeble mind and crippled body hereby offer to maybe suspend my petition campaign if the following terms are met.

WHEREAS, the current SUPERINTENDENT, DR. CATHERINE LATHAM gives sworn testimony before three judges (one each from SUPERIOR. DISTRICT, and PROBATE court), two priests, and a born-again preacher that she is willing to have the NEW middle school named after ME.

Let's face it, it would be the pinnacle of hypocrisy to keep calling it THURGOOD MARSHALL. After all he was a champion in the struggle for equal rights and the civil liberties of the citizens of Lynn have been and probably will continue to be trampled in the ongoing structure of this project.

THEREFORE, my name is as tainted as anyone's (ie.-four marriages) and subsequently would fit quite nicely above the doorway.


Stan "SELL-OUT" Wotring

OKAY ALREADY. so I might be taking an ethical dive....


I'm doing just what Cathe asked "I'M TRYING TO WORK TOGETHER".

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