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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Taking time out of his work day, former CITY COUNCIL candidate CLAY WALSH comes to McDonalds to sign OUR petition.


  1. How many more signatures do you need?

  2. Clay, I'ld vote for you next time. I thought you were a Kennedy follower before. She has to go.

  3. He is a KENNEDY RAT, she has many. HE has been doing her dirty work for awhile now. WATCH OUT. Asking lots of questions and reporting back to City hall. Also, do your homework on him (goggle) and others in this City before you VOTE.
    So glad I moved out of this city, but love to read your blog Stanley. keeps us informed.

  4. With misinformation

  5. It's funny, I just saw the 'Anonymous' post. Guess he/she doesn't read your blog as much as they think they do or they would have know LSW already reported on my past. The RAT thing is new though, guess I'll have to wait for a story on that one!

  6. I have already covered the SUN thing. I took my share of heat for venting it (but I got a lot of hits for it too). I tried to remain as objective as I could but I do have a 13 year old daughter. I am a poet and I love to play around with words and I DID. I was pretty hard on CLAY back in the day. However, he remained above it and kept coming, working for kids. Having survived my poetic purgatory I have gained an immense amount of respect for his intentions. Have I made mistakes in judgement before I only need to remind you I am on my fourth marriage. The worst mistake is not to learn from them. If I get new information I will surely let you and everybody know. For now, CLAY is molded fine by me.
