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Friday, December 23, 2011


I've been a BAD, BAD boy. I tried to slip past the fact I missed the DR.LATHAM'S evaluation by (double-) blindly borrowing someone else's assessment of a crucial report. I was perhaps a little lazy or perhaps I just didn't want to not have something up right away.

But if I was so good at making good decisions, I wouldn't be on my fourth wife. What can you truly expect from me: I HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE.

Well I have watched the LSC meeting where the superintendent's evaluation was discussed now, thanks to the fine work at LYNNCAM. (To be honest, the show would have been more watchable if we had a little theme music and some dancing bears.)

A lot of interesting things struck me when I watched that show in fact my eyes are swelling up right now from all of the blows. First and foremost, was the GREAT UMBRAGE   the superintendent took(don't you just love those words? As a poet I imagine a picture of shrubbery being stolen) at the fact that her knowledge of the laws pertaining to education could be questioned, After all she had what 10 years experience as a SUPPORT SPECIALIST,a DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT, and SUPERINTENDENT.

I can't argue there, she does have that experience.


I just have two words to comment on this and they are COMPLIANCE OFFICER. LPS is now paying somebody $90+ thousand dollars a year why? I would feel pretty safe in guessing it was because somebody was not following the law.

Now if we take DR.LATHAM at her word that she KNOWS the law and violations are so bad that we add such a position after the school year starts that would mean she knowingly and repeatedly violated the law to the extent she needed someone to look over her shoulder. That would seriously compromise her integrity.

On the other hand if she really didn't know the laws that well and had so many accidental violations that she needed someone to hold her hand, well that would bring in to question her honesty and competency. Either way, it doesn't paint a pretty picture, at least not a portrait I want to keep hanging in the halls of LPS.


  1. You make a very good point..someone was not knowledgeable about the law,thus the new high paying job was created.

  2. Interesting perspective. So let me get this right. Either the superintendent is knowledgeable but is purposefully breaking the law or is ignorant and lying? It really seems like there is no other option.

    When is her contract up?

  3. I believe her contract is up in JUNE but the LSC has to let her know in FEB. if they are not going to renew her contract. Not much time to let the LSC know how people feel.
