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Saturday, December 24, 2011


IS MY HEARING GOING THAT BAD? I swore I heard DR. LATHAM say that she was unaware of any discontent among  teachers, or parents. HELLO! Has anyone over at COMMERCIAL STREET read my blog? I got over 70,000 hits. Oh I forgot,no one over there READS my blog. Although DR. WARY did approach me once and ask that I not harp on a certain somebody's son who was arrested for drugs on his lunch break because she heard about it from a FRIEND who reads my blog. Really, I wonder what kind of friend can she be if she reads my blog?

Then there was the time I hand delivered a letter to DR. LATHAM, DR. WARY, LYDIA MUGGEO, and SUE HOWELL that my BFF wrote for a parent who accompanied me when both of us delivered them the same letter. Within an hour and a half, the parent and I had a meeting with all four in DR. LATHAM'S office. To the good DOCTOR'S credit that was a FAST response. JUDY how quick does she get back to you? It's just not fair. I'm saying that and I'm who benefits from possibly some SPECIAL TREATMENT.

And I have to thank DR. LATHAM for all of my BLOG BENEIES. I would never have thought of it if she hadn't cried in a meeting with me over my son about how defenseless she was and that I was able to initiate a letter writing campaign. She sure is smart. I guess that's why she gets the BIG BUCKS, ALL $184,000 of them. Me, I never worked that year or at least not for a paying job. I was a volunteer librarian. I used to check out books, now I'm the one getting checked out.

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