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Thursday, December 15, 2011


Just came from a NEW LYNN COALITION, I think it was their education sub-committee, meeting tonight. I've missed a few of the OCCUPY LVTI (that's not an official name but I like it cause it is not only current but it rhymes) meetings. I'VE HAD TO MISS A FEW MEETINGS BECAUSE OF THIS WORK THING  I'VE GOT GOING ON.Funny the  poorer I was, the smarter I became. That's poetry.

There sixteen or so people jammed into a room excited about the prospects of moving forward with this community project. Joining LYNN SCHOOL WATCH around the table were LORETTA CUFFE O'DONNEL, STEVE and LESLIE GREENBERG, LSC Member MARIA CARRASCO (celebrating her 29th birthday) and city councilman-elect HONG NET. Thank you MARIA for sharing your edible arrangement.

We are all about maximum utilization of our schools and LYNN TECH is a JEWEL. In case anybody forgets, they just won two state titles. They are getting national recognition for their FALLEN HERO PROJECT (international if you count the half dozen or so in South Korea who accidentally click on my blog) has been receiving. We just want to share in some of that glory. We've already spent the money, let's get our money's worth.

LPS tried unsuccessfully to expand utilization of LVTI recently and may point to that failure as a good reason for their resistance toward this movement. AND LET'S BE REAL IT WAS A FLOP. A lot of money spent in advertising and setting it up for a DISAPPOINTING turnout.


Poor planning - The whole program was just thrown together to I think to make some attempt to head off this movement. It's all a matter of control. If their expensive classes would have succeeded they would have had control of a sweet little moneymaking operation operation and if it failed as it did, they would have justification for not wasting their time any efforts at expanded usage by the community.


Instead of referring to LVTI's recent flop at their foray into extracurricular classes, I would point you in the direction of FORD SCHOOL. A couple of nights a week they have a couple hundred or so adults using that school. I mean I admit I'm partial to FORD but c'mon, the facilities at LVTI are much more conducive to a variety of expanded uses.


Let's get on board and work it out. Remember you LSC members who signed the pledge at the big NOV 2 meeting? I do and I will be pointing it out. At last Thurs. LSC meeting, about a million dollars was spent to create new administration jobs, don't you think you could throw us poor people a proverbial bone by working with us for the whole education of our community?

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