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Sunday, June 15, 2014


June 15, 2014

Dear Mayor Kennedy,

Most Honorable Mayor, I am asking you to please consider at least postponing temporarily the raises and compensation packages recently passed by the Lynn City Council due to the precarious financial position the city is in as indicated from the testimony given by CFO Peter Caron before the Lynn School Committee last Thursday night.

I tried to allude to these potential problems at your recent “State of the CITY” address on May 30th at the Lynn Public Library. Admittedly my perception was in sharp contrast to the rosy picture you tried to portray then/ However judging by both yours and CFO Caron’s testimony on June 12 it would seem as if things have dramatically changed and your perception is now closer to mine.

Temporarily suspending your raise would be an opportunity for you to shiw true fiscal leadership and save the city from potential bankruptcy. As I am sure you would expect both this letter and your answer or lack of answer wi;; be published entirely on my blog, Lynn School Watch. Thank you for your time and attention.


Stanley H. Wotring, Jr.

781 715-5614

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