I better write something quick before my Internet fades out again.
Well I go to this MARSHALL MEETING you see and surprise I was the first one there. I approach the secretary and ask about the meeting. You see I know where it is I read the posting, I even help SPREAD the word, you might say. Well she looked at me kinda dumbfounded like. She had NO idea. Now mind you she is responsible for directing visitors, observors if you like. Being a helpful person, I volunteered details to make it easier for her.
Using some kind of scheduleling application on the computer shr found some EISK MANAGEMENT meeting in the STAFF DEVELOPMENT room. That's it, I said. You see the problem was it had been double-booked for teacher evaluations. They must have found somewhere else for those evaluations cause we got the room. I must say the seats are much more compfy than those at the regular LSC meetings ....but I digress.
At first there was only me, CATHE and the building people in the room, CATHE warns, with what I thought was with an air of disgust, "I have to warn you, there may be some PUBLIC here. There are some bloggers who put out some untruths." Then she swiveled her swivel chair and bore down on me with those cold blue eyes and said, "You write some untruths by your own admission, isn;t that right?"
Boy she had me. I have always told you she was a smart lady. Well I do have a license to be creative. I always try to make it clear when I am trying to entertain you. This stuff is boring and whose truth you going to believe anyway?
She even told them I write sexual innuendos about the staff! Cathe, I am a HAPPILY narried man.
She even claimed that I had mentioned the use of 1-900 numbers. I really don't remember. I probably did. Of course I am always thinking of the tax payer looking for new sources of revenue. What do thry use those numbers for anyway, SPORTS TRIVIA?
I was a little hurt that she never did tell them I was running for LSC. LORRAINE GATELY, fellow candidate along with sitting members RICK STARBARD and PATTI CAPANO were also observing. Who wasn't observing was LSC member JOHN FORD who is actually on the BUILDING COMMITTEE. Now from what I was able to pick up from listening to other people's conversations (I know that's rude but I never claimed to fo be polite), he must have had some serious personal reason. They all knew but left the rest of us to make stuff up.
1 am a bad boy!
who cares about latham. what happened at the meeting?
ReplyDeleteActually the resistance to the public observation and the personal attacks are significant to what happened. It's a bigger picture thing.
DeleteDr. Latham accused you of reporting untruths? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Her complete lack of professionalism never ceases to amaze me.
ReplyDeleteA big difference is that I usually present my untruths as what they are (she even saud so), not as GOSPEL.