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Saturday, April 27, 2013


I don't recall hearing about any changes in the law, it must just be a change in the direction of the political winds. Of course, I'm talking about the crisis they are planning with the new KINDERGARTEN CENTER.
Seems like when there was talk before about putting some middle school kids in there before we were told, "No, no, state law forbids it. You can't mix them with high school kids, especially in a voc setting."

All of a sudden, it's OKAY to mix in KINDERGARTEN KIDDIES . Little children don't have enough of a development in their language abilities to accurately express themselves in regards to their own personal safety. SPEAK NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL so SEE NO EVIL.

I admit I now think my initial position, my thinking was WRONG. I so wanted to be a good soldier, a team player.



  1. How about the Pre-Kind classes that have been in LVTI for years now?? I believe that they are part of the curriculum for those in a shop for Early Education and Care. Why couldn't theses new classes be included in that shop?? As a potential School Committee, you really should know this stuff!! You won't get elected by running the "Whatever Dr. Crane says, I will support" platform. Just look at the other members that think Crane is the be all end all. They have dropped to the point that they were last and next to the last two years ago. They are both done this time and you don't stand a chance.

    1. Thanks for your political advice. I am hardly a conduit for anyone.
