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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Charlie Gallo for Lynn School Committee

Missing from his list of credible accomplishment was his primary (how do you like a little voter vocab?) participation in programs that practiced practices promulgated illusions that alluded to deceptions for your reception.

Don't forget his part in the BOGUS BUDGET BALLYHOO. We all learned that a lawyer can indeed fish because MR. GALLO showed us he knew how to BAIT AND SWITCH.   -  SORRY CHARLIE!


there his delving into realm of MAGIC! He helped push the alluding of the illusion of an INNOVATION SCHOOL that was not one and not even particularly innovative. Look to the LPS Website and WASHINGTON INNOVATION SCHOOL. Now (really then) you see it, now (now, really) you don't.

Tis election time and time to crawl from under....(where?)

1 comment:

  1. SO TRUE STANLEY! I am sooooo glad we did not vote for him. We could not understand why a 28 year old man with no kids and not married would bother to be on the school committee and then my husband reminded me that "Dan Cahill did the same". It is clear that Gallo,Cahill,Creighton are part of the Lynn Demo machine to control city government and DO NOT CARE ABOUT US AND OUR CHILDREN......
    You are right election time is around the corner and you must continue to expose elected officials not doing their job for us and our children! Starting with Gallo, he must GO!!!!
