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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Went To PAC And Stayed For The Show

Thank You Lynn Public Schools, I can't make this stuff up. Don't you think it's funny in a sad sort of way, that why a presentation was put on by CSA, whose services are only available to people on mass health, we had around $400,00 in annual salary sitting at the head table where Queen Cathie was holding court. I'm not including the PARENT LIAISON making who know's what for how long.

Don't forget the PARENT LIAISON sat with the SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. What was her JOB TITLE again?


  1. Stan. You have to give this woman a chance. We all know that the person that owns this job is out on long term leave. This position has been vacant for two years. Once the PAC members expressed their concerns over this vacancy, I began pressing the superintendent to fill the position. Once it had been determined that the person would not be back anytime soon, Dr. Latham did as she promised and found someone to fill the spot on a temporary basis and I applaud her for that. Because this job is not "open", it cannot be posted.

    I have only met Ms. Martinez once before last night. I have found her to be a very nice, well spoken, professional woman who is also bilingual. I also understand that she has had experience with children on IEPs. Many parents and people from administration have told me that the person who holds this job has always done a great job. Why should we think that this will be any different now, especially when Ms. Martinez hasn’t even begun? Who else would she have sat with last night? She sat with the only people that she knew. You came in late and didn't have the opportunity to pour on the charm, otherwise she might have sat with you. That left you with no other place to go other than my lonely table. Seriously though, we need to do all that we can to make sure that there are no "sides" set up so that no one is put on the defensive out of the gate, not parents, not the administration and not the parent liaison. We may not always agree on how to drive this bus, but no one in this city wants to see it go off the cliff. Please cut this woman some slack and hopefully she can successfully fill the void that has existed for the past two years.

  2. Rick, so much for your lonely table. I'm seeing you more lately than my wife. She is starting to get jealous.

  3. It's not the "person" so much a the "process".
