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Thursday, September 15, 2011


At the debate last night, he held his mouth too close to the mike. His pat answers prompted my BFF to label him a consummate politician. What did she expect, he's a lawyer?

Still I heard good things come out of his mouth. That has always been my complaint about him, I just never heard anything from him. I've heard a few things about him, you know like, "He's a Clancy plant". Last I heard Chippper isn't running the government anymore.

I was impressed more with his level thinking than than any proposed political positions. He seemed to me to be objective and open. I'm not objective, that's my job. Anyway he's got vote number 5/


  1. You're right Chipper isn't running Lynn anymore, but his appointment for superintendant is. We need less politicians on the School Committee and more real people, with children in the Lynn Public Schools. I like Charlie Gallo, he seems like a great guy and I appreciate the fact he's 28, as I only turned 29 recently. I like that he's a lawyer. But what else does he have going for him except the fact he's going to spread the anti-vote too thin. We need Carrasco, Coppola, DiFillipo and Starbard for a majority vote that'll bring real change to the Lynn Schools and not another several thousand dollar raise to Kevin McHugh.

  2. Well for me to say I'm going to vote for a lawyer sends chills down my spine. I liked his train of thought. The biggest thing he has going for him is he makes Rick look like he has a full head of hair. Seriously, he shows up everywhere and you have to be at the table to be informed.

  3. Do not mistake showing up for knowledge of the education system. He is going to be another Dan Cahill. Just using the school committee as a stepping stone. He just became an attorney for the elderly. So where is the connection to children and families in his experience/resume...Not married, No children, Attended private schools. NOWHERE! Sorry, but the last thing this city needs is another attorney using the school committee as a place to launch from. NO THANK YOU! Do your homework Stanley! Another person being told how to answer questions.

  4. I'm not convinced Stan - the Mayor shows up every where and I don't think she's a good school committee member either. She votes with Gotta Go, GQ and F.O.R.D. every time, with the one exception being the tabling of the second deputy super position (which could get pushed through this year...) Just because you show up doesn't mean you should get the job. Charlie was a great public speaker, it was hard not to like his train of thought; so was Hitler, remember?

    Charlie never took a stance. He politiced his way right down the middle of the road. How can you endorse him when you don't know what side of the table he'll sit on?

  5. well said melissa romaniello.
    especially the hitler comment. right on point. he is being trained well by the lynn democratic machine. you vote him in, you get the same.

  6. You will notice that I have him as choice #5. There are only 8 running and you got to have 6. Pick your poison.

  7. my poison is for only two, who really care and are not afraid to speak up and vote for our children. the others have an agenda.

  8. It's better to not pick 6 though. If we use up all of our votes on people who we really don't want in they might edge out some who we really want. Rick Starbard took the bottom slot last year, if he doesn't gain any votes this year he could lose his seat and we need his vote. If you vote for Carrasco, Coppola, DiFillipo and Starbard and then you throw a hail-Mary to Charlie because "you've got 6 votes" - think about all the people who are going to vote for him and probably and 'old regime' ticket - they'll be voting for Gotta Go, G.Q. and F.O.R.D. AND for Charlie. So if everyone who like the 'old regime' and everyone who wants to see change are voting for Charlie then Charlie's going to bump out Starbard, or a vote that we need.

    It's better to vote for only the members who you really want to see stay and throw away the rest of your ballots. I'm only voting for four people. The four we need for a majority vote to bring change to the Lynn schools.

  9. stan is he still getting your vote? please vote less instead of more. it is only right for our the kids in lynn. please. he has no plan but for himself. i think like melissa. listen to your bff more.
