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Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Yeah I went to the rally in front of city hall today all about anti-scapegoating of the immigrants.  I didn't hold no sign. It's not that I had no empathy or share their concern. I do but I refrained from any public display purely out of concerns for my SAFETY.

Now everybody knows I don't walk none too steady and I was afraid I would start laughing uncontrollably and I would fall down those stairs (I still got two litte laser surgeries on both my eyes-one each-to finally clear up my cataracts. I do have a problem with depth perception on marble).

You see those same groups they used to beat the bushes to get out the vote for the MARSHALL BOND were now claiming victim status.

We're through with you NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR. So long LYNN UNITED FOR CHANGE. Things have changed alright and we don't want you for neighbors.

What makes this priceless is the fact that the other side is going to be left paying the taxes to get that NEW school thats going to be woefully too small. See it's not REALLY a new school but rather an upgrade like on your cell phone. I mean there are a few more bells and whistles but your calling plan is the same.


  1. I was there also... didn't speak... was struck by how off-key the event seemed.

  2. On those half a million stair

    1. How dare you bring up the money spent on those stairs. We NEEDED that so the people could go to their air coditioned show so after words they could walk down them to go to those immigrant run restuarants!

  3. As expected only about 100 people showed up. The pro-immigrant groups had their say and now the show is over. Nothing will come of this rally because Judy and Cathy were factual in everything they said and did nothing wrong. What was interesting to me (but not surprising) was Maria claims to be an advocate not only for "all immigrants", but for "all students". Yet she always only refers to Latinos when she speaks and she even did her speech in Spanish at the rally. What message does that send? Well it shows that she really is not interested in any other immigrants or students who are not Latino.

    1. I DID see non-Latino people at the rally. In fact many of the speak were not even Hispanic. Jeff Crosby from THE NEW LYNN COALITION hit the nail on the head, "The problem is economic and needs an economic solution".

    2. i don't agree with everything anon said but good question about maria. is it only latinos she is concerned with?

    3. Latino are vast majority of students in the public schools in Lynn - 85% are minorities and poor with about 10% Asian and 10% African American. It is about time the Latinos unite and speak up. It takes courage in this city. .

    4. It's about time the Latinos unite and start making sure their kids are doing well in school so the test scores improve. Hispanic kids make up more than half of the students in the schools.

    5. This is what those in power want - polarize then ostracize.

  4. You are RIGT about how they should have seen this coming and about how be resolve it! As for CHUCK, uh he maywell be saying the right things now. He is good at that. However I've followed ole CHUCK for a while and do you have any clips from way back sounding the alarm? He, more than any of the other two candidates was in a position to better see the oncoming train.

  5. this too funny! much to say
    Charlie, oh so clever! He voted on the budget and head nodded the mayor for years. Poor Crighton. He's like a Guatemalan Scapegoat.
    The Mayor has her scape goats, Gallo has his. LOL!

  6. That all may be true (as it stands now, CHARLIE has my vote - I can't bring myself to check a box for the pretty boy dunderhead or the activist who gropes along the wall looking for the right answer during these debates, she seems nice but it's painful to watch her during these events). I'd rather have the smartest guy in the room making these decisions as opposed to "waiting for superman".

    We all know the MAYOR - not the city council or the school cmtee for that matter - has the power to allocate funds and use her bully pulpit for something other than haranguing unaccompanied minors and immigrants in general on FAUX News.

    Her blow ups are getting worse. The booze has pickled her brain. We need a leadership change, not the same old network of idiots and hacks fiddling while Rome burns.

    Go back to the bar, Judy!

  7. To be fair, she is a LAWYER and often times to PASS the BAR, you gotta go through it.
