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Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I wish I could have made it to the interviews but that silly little thing called LIFE got in te way again. It does cause me to wonder though why the INTERVIEWS can't be streamed live. Maybe there are some areas of privacy that make it not allowed. I know our laws haven't caught up with technology. Still I bet it could be done.

UNLESS there is an ulterior motive hor keeping as many people in the dark as possible. This is an IMPORTANT position to te DREWICZ community, especially at this time when the KINDERGARTEN youngsters are going to be uprooted tis fall and placed on COMMERCIAL STREET where tere is no GRADUATION CEREMONY!

Anyway here is the list of interviews:

11:00 AM | Mary Foster
11:30 AM | Stacy Phelan
12:00 PM | Erin Magrane
12:30 PM | Marijean Halas 
1:30 PM | Patricia Hebert 
2:00 PM | Jonathan Eddy
2:30 PM | Alec Ciminello

The only name I really recognize is te highlighted one. I watched her interview tor te COBBETT  job.I would have ranked her 2nd in that round of interviews. They hired my 4th choice. Not before theMAYOR went on apublic and humiliating tirade about how unfair to put DR. LATHAM in such a position because MRS.PHELAN'Shusband TIM was running against her for MAYOR.

Times have changed.TIM TANKED and CATHE was rewarded with a belt tightening thatthreatens to cut off the circulation at LPS, but JUDY has found some NEW JINGLE in her pockets!

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