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Sunday, September 29, 2013


Sorry things have I could not believe the RESISTANCE I saw toe been crazy and I just got to watch last Thursday night's LSC Policy Sub. and I could not believe the RESISTANCE I saw to some good ole common sense by DONNA COPPOLA.

She tried to bring this issue about patronizing LYNN businesses when LPS purchases little things like puff pastries for personnel at personal development training's, for example.  Well last week it was shut down with the MAYOR making sure it was put on the agenda for this meeting. ALL HAIL ROBERT'S RULES.

So the motion was put on the agenda for the Policy Sub. The two week delay bought some time for the PROPONENTS OF UNCOMMON SENSE. ATTORNEY CHUCK led the charge. I considered his tone and demeanor to be high and mighty while he belittled COPPOLA for even bringing the idea up. NO DOUBT he has superior knowledge when it comes to legal matters but CHUCK, CHUCK, CHUCK, did you ever wonder why LUCY always pulls the football away?

I loved how you belittled DONNA by bringing up the question if she had even considered the PROCUREMENT LAWS pertaining to purchases. She said so sorry she had not. Geez, I guess she just never went to school to get a degree in JURIS-PRUNENCE like you. Her position was "Hey, how we gonna ask businesses in Lynn to support LPS when we aren't gonna support them?".

Apparently, neither had CHUCK. You see ATTORNEY MIHOS says on purchases of less than 10K the PROCUREMENT laws don't apply. DONNA was talking about MUFFINS so I think that would fall under the limit. No need to put BAGELS OUT TO BID.


Didn't you call for and helped successfully create a position for PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS?  Is your position going to cause this position to now lay an EGG"


Didn't the Lynn Business Council or whatever their name is ADOPT the WASHINGTON STEM SCHOOL? Then there is the ARTS AND CULTURAL DISTRICT with all those great restaurants. I am getting hungry/ Is it dinnertime yet?

How are those powder burns on your foot healing? You really need to be concerned about the itch on everybody's back.The only thing that gets puffed around CHUCK is his cheeks when we try to keep LYNN money in LYNN. To be fair you have to prime the pumps for outside political contributions to keep coming,

Then CAPANO chimed in. She didn't want to constrict choices. And she made it clear, she chooses other places than LYNN. It's okay to pass by the LYNN businesses we beg for bucks. LYNN she may or may not CHOOSE you. Either way Who are you going to choose?

STARBARD saves the day, sorta, You see, he came up with this watered down "directive" for DR. LATHAM to pass along to the principals, on nice stationary of course, instructing principals to consider LYNN businesses when purchasing purchases for parties.

What city is RICK'S business in?

So at the end of the day, nothing gets written down into the BOOK OF POLICY and we don't have to pretend to ignore what no one should have to tell us to do.


  1. Charlie Gallo fought against this with tooth and nail, all the while claiming to support Lynn businesses. He just would not let it go. He sat there with his hand up like a school kid who needed to go to the bathroom. I loved the part where he played dumb and pretended he didn't know whether Donna Coppola meant businesses that were physically in Lynn or businesses outside of Lynn that were owned by Lynn taxpayers. Donna was perfectly clear on what she meant from the beginning and stated it several times. Charlie Gallo puts on a performance at every meeting, forgetting that he is not on the campaign podium or in a mock trial.

  2. Well, well, well. Look who can't find the forest again because everywhere he looks there's nothing but trees? The point, which was made by EVERYONE but Ms. Coppola, was that a new district policy would create unnecessary red-tape, over nominal amounts, and raised more questions than it answered in terms of who was subject to it. So, yes, Rick offered a toothless suggestion so that the policy subcommittee could move on to, you know, policy-related things. Big win, Donna. Big win.

    1. Thank you for using the tree analogy cause the branches make good stakes. Great for driving through the HEART of the business community.

    2. You are half right, this should not have to be a formal policy but looking back over the purchase history apparently some hand holding needs done.
