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Saturday, September 14, 2013


Congratulations to MICHELLE Flynn for being appointed Asst. DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION FOR EARLY Childhood Isn't  that a mouthful? I know her from way back when my daughter had her for two years at HARRINGTON. Good teacher.

Hearing about CURRICULUM though got me to wondering, what was the eventual tesult of that grievance the teachers won against the CURRICULUM DIRECTOR/. If I remember right and I don't always, a whole summer's training kind of went for naught. RACE TO THE TOP MONEY wasted.

What did we do with the COMMON CORE coming?


  1. Michelle Flynn is WONDERFUL! When my girls were in Pre-k, they had the pleasure of having her for a teacher, but unfortunately for us, she was offered a new position just a few months into the school year and the girls got a new teacher. Having said that though, Miss Michelle, made such an impression on 2 three-year-olds, they still remember her and tell people she was their teacher.

    1. and those 2 three-year-olds are now 7. Not a huge jump, but at age 3, true memories are harder to form and last.

    2. Asiah had her her first two years of pre-K and DITTO!
