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Friday, November 15, 2013


Well it wasn't THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH but it sure was a CIRCUS! I mean it used to be just a party, remember back last HALLOWEEN when the BATISTA children were treated to some LPS tricks.

I had never seen the parents who home-schooled brought before the tribunal to receive metaphorical lashings before and have not since. After making these DISABLED parents go through hoops that no one else had to go through, they completed LAST year.

This year the HOOPS have become RINGS, three in fact, I mean isn't that how many is in a circus? There sure was one last night. These people had a lawyer this time. As lawyers go this guy was pretty reasonable, it must have been the BOW TIE.

After some clowning around the HOME SCHOOL portfolios were approved 4-3 with the MAYOR providing the deciding vote.

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