As stated throughout my failed campaigm, I am an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFENDER. Over the years it has been true that CATHE and I have not shared LOVE LETTERS (
that would have been hard with my BLOCKED e mails) sorry though KIPP, I kind of agree with her.
I know, I know, she can be at times a little unpleasant. OKAY downright nasty, a real bully. Come on now, surely you know about that WOMAN SCORNED thing. You see unlike me, she is so smart she just can't understand how come you can't see the statistical skew sold by these CHARTER SCHOOLS sailing off in UNCHARTED seas.I mean, they take the money but are pretty much go their own waay.
The line about THE MONEY FOLLOWING THE STUDENT is a joke because if the student goes from the CHARTER SCHOOL back to the PUBLIC SCHOOLS the money gets lost in some acturaial quicksand.
Okay I defended my Lady's honor quite enough. Let's look at why CHARTER SCHOOLS got invite to show off their SHELL GAME in the first place. WASTEFUL SPENDING, that is why. When 80% of the budget goes to SALARIES, students end up getting shortchanged. This is not a new phenomenon, it's just that overtime the growth ends up choking itself off. The educational pool becomes stagnant and we all drown in our own sewage. Ooooh!
I say change that ratio and buy more books and stuff. Let the teachers teach and eliminate the hand holders. I am caliing for an audit of the auditors. Data is such you can make it represent anything you want it to.Remember though, numbers can't speak but teachers do and hopefully so will their students. We just need more listening and a little less pencil whipping.
Before I sign off on this post, I was wondering just eactly the breakdown goes for CHARTER SCHOOL.
I mean, there is SALARY, NONSALARY, and PROFIT?