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Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I applaud the work being done on DOORS as it will increase security. Maybe if it had been done earlier that WIG-WEARING PURSE PILFERER wouldn't have slipped through the enhanced security measures at COBBETT

. Uh-oh, it's not on the list. No matter, those HIGH-TECH security measures put in place after that TOP SECRET, behind closed door, EXECUTIVE SESSION was held. (Yeah, about those minutes)

Well, I'm not sure, but I think the BLONDE BREACH was made after the supposed enhancements were made. I wonder what specific enhancements were done. The line we were given was that the need for the meeting to be an EXECUTIVE one was so the bad guys wouldn't know what we were doing. You see it took a sophisticated WIG to make it by security. Your run of the mill brunette wig would have never made it past it. YOU KNOW THEY SAY "BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN".

Back to the bucks. Did you notice the word PARALLEL? I believe in the dictionary we used to use to use back in WV when used in that there context it means "IN ADDITION TO".I don't know, maybe it's just my accent.

So that's $1,400,000 for fixing up the old FORD ANNEX on BENNETT STREET so we can move the administration offices from COMMERCIAL STREET over there freeing up that space so we can spend another $580,000 to make a new warehouse out of an old warehouse for KINDER KIDDIES.

Now back to the $200,000 to replace some doors around town, I think I would be safe in assuming that figure does not include the money to be spent on replacing TWO floors at the FORD SCHOOL.The new industrial strength tiles will transform the looks of the school (Notice I did not mention anything about ASBESTOS REMEDIATION) Just how much is that going to be?

All of this is going on while we are going to be asked to pass a BIG BOND for building a much needed school that everybody admits is going to be TOO SMALL.

Spending responsibly, is there a class you can take for that?


  1. Let's not forget the approximate $1.1 million needed for the never-ending Classical project.

    1. Now whoa, that's kinda like an investment. well maybe like preventative maintenance. You see if CLASSICA: sinks, ruptured the sewer lines making the school uninhabitable before the fifty year period lifespan minimum then we have to pay the MSBA back. The jokes on them cause in Lynn we make our schools last mpre than twice that time before we attempt to think about replacing them.

  2. I think there should be a complete audit done of LPS. This district wastes, misuses and mishandles a lot of money. It also blows my mind that the school committee has no idea where all the money goes, and that they don't demand to know. I know Rick had a lengthy conversation with Kevin about this during a meeting several months ago and he requested that the school committee be given reports that show exactly where all the money goes, but I have not heard anything about this since. It would surprise me if even Kevin knew and could account for every dollar this district spends. It appears to me, and I could be wrong, that all the school committee does every year is simply approve the proposed budget with no questions asked and then they move on without requiring or demanding any follow up.

    1. It's true, the budget is pretty much approved BLINDLY!
