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Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Ford parents: Revisit kindergarten busing plan

Can we tale a closer look at what TRACY princiPAL PATTYE GRIFFIN said, I mean everybody agrees there is an overcrowding problem It is definitely a detriment to learning.

But that posse of supporters MS. GRIFFIN brought to the meeting with her were all benefactors of the move. not participants. Even the parent whose kid will benefit from smaller class sizes (and whose kid wouldn't), I mean her kid wouldn't be the one on the bus. I wonder how she would feel if her 5 year-old's bus had to travel through the HIGHLANDS in the snow.

They've already budgeted $600,000 for this move. But when questioned where that money was coming from, no specific answer was given. You know what that means.


  1. It always amazes me how funds are always miraculously found when it comes to raises for the administrators or for projects the super wants.Kevin must have a line entitled "miracle funds" that he moves this money from (we know how he loves to move money from this line to that line)Which he does with ease because the school committee doesn't require any transparency in the budget,they just approve it.Why is Lynn one of the worst districts in the state again?

    1. I've been missing that line item in my study of the budget. I'll look extra hard this year. In the meantime, sign their petition!
