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Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I actually didn't make it to the PAC meeting last night at the FORD SCHOOL. I was SICK. There must be something going round because everyone from the SPED department must have caught the same bug. Thing is I can take medicine for my illness but I think perhaps a virus is at work that affects the EGOS of others.

Although I've never been known to be on the side of the administration, let's analyze for a second the old cliche, "Give the devil his due". By doing that you insure he shows up. When you are trying to build a group, getting all tangled up in ROBERT'S RULES gives you enough rope to hang yourself. Makes you wonder if being right is always the right thing to do.


PAC is always meeting at the FORD SCHOOL now on the first and third Monday's. We got CHILD CARE, translation services, and most important....WE GOT SNACKS!

1 comment:

  1. you need new leaders and need to get to all parents not just sped. this will never have the power it should if people do not mobilize and work for a common goal. they are waiting for you all to fall apart. go on LynnCam, have flyers with facts and make the mhand them out to every child in LPS. make phone calls to parents. Get the PTO's invovled as well. you must keep the pressure on.
