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Thursday, March 15, 2012



Here is the video that goes with this program produced at LYNN WOODS SCHOOL.


  1. Mr wortring. They have no record of you graduating from west Virginia Wesleyan college?

  2. So what is your point? Do you need a college degree now to be a blogger or post on facebook? Because if that is the case, a lot of the rest of us better be afraid...
    Wow, Stanley, it looks like you have really made it now if people are sniffing around your background! Congrats, Stanley:) lol

  3. Whoa!! You are having such an impact on people that they are conducting background checks on you!! Congratulations on being so powerful in LPS!

  4. I think we should all call Wesleyan College too - Stanley might be the most famous person to graduate (or not).

  5. That's WEST VIRGINIA Wesleyan College. Can I get in trouble from Animal Rights groups because our MASCOT was a BOBCAT, See Principal Strangie, ENGLISH is not the only school with a good MASCOT.

  6. I think we should try to find a blogger who maybe more qualified than you Stanley. Open it up, we only want the most qualified candidate after all .

    1. That'd be cool except I don't think you need ANY qualifications. Though I look forward to seeing someone else's point of view, that way I'll get to comment on them but I won't hide behind an ANONYMOUS name.

    2. I know you thought you were being clever making that comment. But the truth is that even if Stanley is not the "most qualified blogger", it affects no one. If people don't like the blog, they are free not to read it. The difference here is that the children in the schools and their parents are not free to choose to adhere or not to adhere to the superintendent's policies. And the CHILDREN are the ones who will potentially suffer from not having the best superintendent. And, by the way, we are paying her salary. You don't like Stanley? Fine. Don't read his blog. You're not out any money. It is not as easy to ignore the bad policies of a superintendent or to stop paying her salary...
      -Sue Walker

    3. And isn't it truly ironic that this blog is about bullying and some anonymous bully is here to try to push Stanley around?
      Hey, bully, if this is the way you feel, have the courage of your convictions and step up and use your name like the rest of us...
      Sue Walker
