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Saturday, March 17, 2012


  Do you know that there are ways private schools, like St. Mary's, St. Pius, et. al., get public money? it's through TITLE I money.

There is this pot of money, somewhere around $6,500,000, that comes to LPS based on I think the number of students eligible for "free lunch". Now this is not exactly free money, there are some strict guidelines on how you can spend it.

If I understand this right, the student's share of the money follows him wherever he goes whether it is to a public or private school, probably even to schools that claim to wear both hats depending on which one is most advantageous at the time.


  1. and I've heard that the money stays at the private/quasi private-public institution even if the child is returned to the public one after Nov. 1

  2. so why pick on KIPP if all private schools are taking public money? Home schooled kids take away from what the public schools get too.

  3. You are absolutely right. The difference for me is that with home schooled kids there is no middle man pretending to be interested in the education more than the dollar.

  4. And private schools put their purpose out there for all to see.

  5. If kipp isn't interested in education how come they do so well. They have short comings but at the end of the day those kids do better. Not all but most. The difference parents who care!

    1. Actually it only appears to some that they do better when in fact they really do not.Kipp just has a smaller selected group of kids who go there where public school has ALL kids.Don't fool yourself,the kids at kipp are not passing the MCAS either and trust me not all parents at kipp care either.
