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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Lynn grant writer starts Wednesday

Why does the school have to hire its own? Why can't this writer serve two masters? MIKE DONOVAN does it. Oh I forgot he serves no one.

Let's put things in perspective and remember our fiscal diet restricts us from overdosing on that PIE IN THE SKY, CHARLIE GALLO is trying to feed us. In the hey day of the ARRA money grant money was less than 3% of the budget. I believe it is less than 1 % this year and we already employ scores of people with advanced degrees.

The kind of changes MR. GALLO is talking about is MUCH more likely to come from taking a knife to the existing budget and paring down the excess layers of administration. That won't get you as many votes as the illusion of giving away candy from the LSC float come election day. I believe he has already had a fundraiser for reelection.


  1. This is quite interesting, because I was told that one of the reasons Dr. Latham NEEDED the second deputy was to write grants. I guess this is no longer part of the new deputy's role? Remind me then....Why exactly did we need a second deputy and what exactly are the duties involved in the position? So we hired a second deputy AND another secretary at an additional cost of about $200,000 per year, which now gives us a superintendent, 2 deputy superintendents, and is it 3 secretaries now? All costing us over a half a million dollars per year and we still need yet another person to write grants?? Wow..if this much time, effort and money was actually put into our classrooms and the resources needed for them, we wouldn't have low test scores.

    1. YOU ARE WRONG! We now have 4 confidential secretaries DR. LATHAM now has TWO and each of the DEPUTIES has ONE so the way I add: 1 + 1 + 2 = 4.

    2. Oh yes!! I forgot Dr. Latham got an additional secretary because "All the other superintendents had 2" Ridiculous!!

    3. we NEED someone to find money to pay for the new DEPUTY and 2 more secretaries

  2. maybe we can have a bake sale....
