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Friday, April 29, 2011

What Makes A Leader?

Help me out here. I don't understand why some people on the LSC had such trouble with the stipulation that a new Deputy Superintendent should have experience as a Principal, You would think leadership is a vital quality.

What's even more surprising is where the opposition came from. I mean you think Vinnie "GQ"  Spirito, a former principal, would be an ardent supporter of the requirement. But Noooooo! A closer look at his record reminds us that he was shuffled between  three schools, starting at Hood, then Connery, and finally taking the Lynn Woods cruise.

Back when I went to school, mu principal was an ex-Marine with a statue of a Bulldog on his desk and he didn't dress in pastels.


  1. Mine was literally a miniature version of Chuck Norris.

  2. I think this city spent enough time shuffling principals around (and teachers) - bring in truly qualified people that know technology for data accountability, success securing grants, and preferably worked for the Board of Education. We don't need more principals moving up from failing schools and running the Lynn School system. Being a good principal is not what makes a good superintendent necessarily. With the money the city pays, we deserve the best and not people looking for pay hikes or promotions.

  3. It's like arguing against sliced bread.
