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Sunday, September 21, 2014


Time to take back our schools from this heavy handed self serving style of administration. Our kids deserve better than petty politics!
Fred Hogan added 2 new photos.
ampions Team Plaque to Case.... Over 75 Lynn English Student Athletes earned their picture in the Case only to be Removed because they were not happy the way Coach Fred Hogan Resigned from his head Coach Position. This is about the Alumni of Lynn English. Instead Adults who are in Leadership positions have Decided to make this Move. The Kids won the Championships, Not the Adults. Sad Day ........ Attached is a before and after picture of Trophy Case.
Last I checked SCHOOL was supposed to be about the kids. This CHILDISH behavior just seems a little STRANGIE to me. The WATCH has praised FRED HOGAN'S use of social media to instill a positive sense of pride and teambuilding. We here at the WATCH do not LOOK kindly on this move.Unless SANER step in and RESTORE THINGS BACK THE WAY THEY WERE, well I feel some POEMS coming on.


  1. Fred Hogan
    8 mins ·
    Lynn is a Strong Community: LYNN Stood up strong, Word is the Girls Basketball Team Championship Plaques were Returned to the Trophy Case outside of the Gym. We would like to Thank Brian LaPierre. And Peter Capano. And other Alumni and Friends and Family. One Thing: On Monday take a pic and Post, To Confirm they have Been Returned. ‪#‎LEGirlsHoop‬
    Lynn is a Strong Community: LYNN Stood up strong, Word is the Girls Basketball Team Championship Plaques were Returned to the Trophy Case outside of the Gym. We would like to Thank Brian LaPierre. And Peter Capano. And other Alumni and Friends and Family. One Thing: On Monday take a pic and Post, To Confirm they have Been Returned. #LEGirlsHoop

  2. I can't imagine Strangie would have these taken out of the case. He truly does not care about sports and is so wrapped up in the accreditation process .I think this was much to do about nothing. They may have been moving them to a less crowded area.

  3. You may be righ but given the circumstances an EXPLANATION is owed!

  4. Accreditation or not he is so out of loop. He propbably did not know they were missing, He probably thinks facebook is a book of faces and a Hashtag is something you smoke.

  5. He is notpaid $100K+ to be that far out of the loop. It is HIS JOB to know where they were. If you remember back when the school made NATIONAL NEWS for the COOK STREET FIGHT he tried to steer everyones attention to the fact ENGLISH had a "good mascot". This was quite a bit more to be proud of. Maybe there was a simple reason but we should be told WHY this happened. They could even use their new FACEBOOK page!
